Archive for the ‘’ Category
New puppies coming!
Stay tuned.
A different sort of post
Many of you may have noticed a distinct lack of content here on of late. Thank goodness for the updates that some of the foster families have sent in!! We are still open for another mama dog and Michelle from H.E.L.P. assures me that a dog will turn up. In the meantime, I’ve been busy launching another site. Some of the readers of Canine Fostering may know that Mike and I have been kicking around the idea of adoption for awhile now. Well, we’ve finally decided to start the process and we’re recording the “journey” on a blog. I’d love for you to visit if you’re so inclined. I will be trying hard to post daily so it will be more fun to check in on than Canine Fostering has been. (It is difficult to find things to write about dogs when there aren’t any fosters around…).
We have been busy though, babysitting some of our puppies while their families are on vacations. We’re loving offering this service to our fosters and it does give us the fun of having a “new” dog in the house. I’ll be sure to let you all know when we get a new family lined up.
Dog Summit – Chloe’s Family Reunion
On Sunday, Nov. 8 we have a first for CanineFostering planned: A family reunion of all of Chloe’s puppies with Chloe in attendance as well. We are all so excited! It is amazing that this group has come together and stayed in contact. It makes so much sense though – new familes of puppies need support and benefit from a place to exchange training ideas. All it took was one of the group to extend the offer of setting up an email list and everyone jumped on board. Now we’ll be able to see how much everyone has grown and see if Chloe even remembers any of them! I am so happy to be anticipating this. Pictures and movies will follow.
New mama dog coming Sunday

new mama dog coming soon
We are getting some new puppies again!
Here is the new mama – seems we are having a run on Golden mixes. She looks like she’s going to deliver any day now. Keep yourself tuned in for more news on who the new little ones are going to be! And to think… the current litter isn’t leaving until the day this new mama comes…Sunday the 14th.
(Sorry to let you know this way Mike!!!)
Puppies are coming! Puppies are coming!
The phone rang early this morning. H.E.L.P. has a mama dog and her seven 4-week old pups in need. As is often the case, we know very little about this group, but we will soon enough – they will be here in a few hours!
Here is what we do know. The mama is believed to be a 40lb Golden Retreiver mix. She had her litter of pups four weeks ago and is coing to us via the same shelter in Fulton County Illinois that brought Sweetie and Annie into our lives. If you haven’t, you should read up on their stories here on
So put back on your daily reading list – we will be writing, posting photos & videos of this new fostering experience!
Feature Article

Elburn Herald photos by Sarah Rivers
There is a feature article in the current edition of the Elburn Herald, a local paper that has been publishing for more than 100 years. Susan O’Neill wrote the feature and Sarah Rivers took the photos. Fun!
Read Giving Puppies a Chance for Life
Update: The Elburn Herald is updating their website, so you can try this link also. Or just navigate from
It’s a really good article, farily long too. We kind of weave through the story of our foster experiences as well as our own dogs. Enjoy – and submit your comments at the end of this post!