Archive for the ‘Annie’ Category

Sad to See Annie Go

Sigh. So sad right now.
Annie left today. I was all business but kept trying to keep her new family at my house, I only realized this near the end, in order to prolong my time with her. As they walked to their car Annie was running around outside. I said, “call her” and she did and Annie, hearing my voice, came running up to me as I stood in the doorway. Her new owner called her again, “Annie, come on Annie” and I said, “go on” and Annie turned and ran toward her and jumped right in the car. Just like I knew she would. And the door shut and she was gone. I didn’t cry right away – I waited till my door was shut. And I am crying now. She is SO trusting. I think that’s what really got to me. I said, “go on” and she went.

Everyone says that the puppies leaving is so sad. But the puppies are just that, the puppies. My feelings for them are more diffuse. I will be sad when the lump sum of them is gone. But Annie (more…)

Annie is Moving On

Annie and pup

Annie and pup

Annie seems to get that I don’t want her to nurse the puppies anymore. She is an amazing dog. So sweet, so wanting to please. I tried to help her realize that her life gets to be good now. She gets to be the center of attention. She gets to be cared for and doesn’t have to work so hard to take care of her puppies anymore. They are grown now and she can go on with her life and really really enjoy it. She has settled down so much lately. Last night she curled up into me and just sighed as I stroked her ears and told her how much I appreciated her.

Annie leaves us this afternoon for her new forever home. I worry about her, hoping the transition to her new family goes well. Hoping they love her as much as I’ve grown to love her. Hoping that she loves them and trusts them as much as she seems to have grown to love and trust me. I never take that trust and love for granted. I always feel honored and blessed when I see it. Every time.

January 8, 2009 • Tags: , • Posted in: Annie, dog adoption, dog ownership • No Comments

Annie is a Good Mama Dog

The puppies had their final nurse on Sunday night. I was shooting video, trying to capture the beauty of nature – how everything works as it should. Pups suck and milk lets down so they can drink deeply and fully. You can even see the milk dripping from the open nipples, and hear the deep gulps of the drinking puppies. As I was marveling at the sight, Annie regurgitated her latest meal for them. I was amazed and excited but Mike was (understandably) grossed out.


So little time, so much to do

sweet puppy facesI can’t believe it, it is almost over. It is so abrupt; one day you are scrambling to find time to sit down and the next day they are gone and there is this huge hole in your life. But now is the busy time, where they are needing SO much and I have so little left to give. Plus, I am letting go, spending far less time with them so it doesn’t hurt so much when they leave. I am up late at night, reviewing the adoption decisions I’ve made, hoping the families will be good matches. I can only do so much and then I have to just let it go. Let it be what it will be. This is difficult work. Remember when I was saying that I would be happy to see them go? Well, I will be happy to have my house back and my time back and my dogs and family back but I will miss their little fuzzy bodies and puppy breath (what makes is stink so?) and their growing personalities. But (more…)

Adoption Process Underway

Annie and her no-nursing shirt

Annie and her no-nursing shirt

Yesterday was a busy busy day for everyone. We had numerous viewings of the puppies as well as a few families who came by to play with and cuddle their new family members. The puppies are now 7 weeks old and aren’t ready to leave just yet. I like to wait until closer to 8 weeks to give them as long as possible with their littermates and mama. Annie continues to be a stellar mother, nursing them whenever they ask for it. I have to keep chasing her out of the puppy room to stop that as she will be leaving soon. I was up until 11:30 last night sewing her a little shirt to keep her teats in and away from the puppies. I was using an old t-shirt but the pups were climbing into the shirt through the arm (more…)

8 Pups Romp in the Yard

Yesterday was chilly but a good enough day for the puppies to romp in the yard. I took Annie and her eight pups out in the yard for about 20 minutes of high energy play time. We have been trying to help Annie ween her pups but they are determined to nurse. Much of the time I was throwing a stick for Annie just to keep her moving – a moving mama is hard to nurse!

January 4, 2009 • Tags: , , , , • Posted in: Annie, nutrition, pups, video • No Comments