Archive for June, 2009

Two puppies have moved on

Well, two pups have left for their forever homes. I was sad to see them go and found myself trying to be busy to avoid feeling my feelings. They were the most active of the bunch, Lily and Tulip (now named Jubilee) and I will miss their presence in the puppy room. In two days the whole group will be gone and a new mama, scared, confused, and very pregnant will be here. Usually I take about a week to feel sad, cry as I clean the puppy room thoroughly, and enjoy my life. This time will be different and I wonder how I will attach to this new mama with Chloe still present in my heart?





June 12, 2009 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: Chloe, dog adoption, fostering dogs, pups • No Comments

Winding down with Chloe and her pups

mama Chloe and pupsWell, this puppy group is finally ready to move on. I know it as I see them play more and more with each other and less with Chloe. They still try to nurse but their attempts are half hearted and easily redirected. For her part Chloe is continuing to show herself to be a sweet, loving mother. I will miss watching her mother these little guys. She is so gentle as she tells them to stop nursing, carefully biting their muzzles away growling under her breath. They respond by climbing on all over her, chewing her ears and tail and nuzzling up to her and drifting off to sleep. It is a wonderful, heartwarming thing to see.

calling the pups

calling in the puppies

They come to me now as I call them into the puppy room in the afternoon. I clap and say in a high pitched voice “Pup pup pup pup pup” and they come running. Last night after I walked into the puppy room and woke everyone up I put them outside to potty. Usually after dark I just let them pee in the room on the newspaper covered floor but I’m trying to get them ready to be house trained by their new families. They did great! First they were a bit disoriented but after a bit they all spread out to do their business. The adoptive families will have an easy time of training them I think.

Craig’s List a good resource

I just posted a used dog door on craig’s list…I love craigs list! And saw a lot of dog items for sale. If you are in need of a dog crate, that’s the first place I’d look. I saw lots of nice ones for much less than the original price. Also, if you’re in need of a bike trailer…

Burley trailer doggie door
June 12, 2009 • Tags: , • Posted in: recommended products • No Comments

Chloe’s puppies ready for their new homes

too cuteSo the end of Chloe‘s group is upon us…the puppies have all been spoken for and I am so thrilled by our group of adoptive families. They are a special group and I feel like I’ve made some good friends in the process – I’m that comfortable with them! One family even watched the pups for me while I walked the dogs! Everyone’s willingness to be supportive of me has meant a lot too. So, to all of you I say thank you and LOVE your puppies forever. That will make my work worth it.

Now, deep breath, on to more puppies!

puppies!This will be the first time we’ve done a group of pups back to back and I must say that I’m feeling a little hint of anxiety about it. Chloe’s group has been SO easy and has gone so fast yet the last two weeks of every litter, weeks 6-8, are always SO much work. I literally fill two large garbage bags full of wet and poopy newspapers each DAY now. Two bags a day – think about it! It is crazy. Our garbage man must think we are so odd. So anyway, the end of the process is always so much work that I usually relish the quiet house, the clean puppy room and the grass growing back in the puppy yard, not to mention all my free time! I was looking forward to it, I must admit. But these things have a life and a process of their own. I have said “no” to taking on a litter before and I will again but this time I just sort of knew that another one was coming. I wasn’t surprised to see Michelle from H.E.L.P.‘s email saying that there were not one but two pregnant dogs needing a foster home. We can’t take more than one…can one of you? Let us know.

The puppies are piled up by the door crying to be let in so I must answer their calls…

tired puppies

New mama dog coming Sunday

new mama dog coming soon

new mama dog coming soon


We are getting some new puppies again!

Here is the new mama – seems we are having a run on Golden mixes. She looks like she’s going to deliver any day now. Keep yourself tuned in for more news on who the new little ones are going to be! And to think… the current litter isn’t leaving until the day this new mama comes…Sunday the 14th.

(Sorry to let you know this way Mike!!!)

June 10, 2009 • Tags: , • Posted in:, fostering dogs • 1 Comment

Chloe shows her pups how to play

In possibly our best video yet, we see mama dog Chloe showing her pups how to play! I think there is a subtext to her play as well, that she is about ready to be done nursing.  Enjoy this video – Mike laughed each time he saw it in the editing process.

Watch this video on YouTube.

June 8, 2009 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: Chloe, pups, video • No Comments