New photos of Indy
Here is a note with new photos of Indy (formerly Sweet William of Chloe’s litter):
Here are the latest photos of Indy. He’s grown into quite a big boy, about 85 pounds.
He’s a great dog, loves to play tug-of-war, loves stuffed animals (steals them from my kids all the time) and loves ice cubes. He comes running to the fridge every time he hears the ice dispenser. Can’t complain, he’s definitely a keeper!
Here is what Indy did to an “Indestructible Pig” in 15 minutes. My daughter threw the pig in his crate, we ran to the store for about 15 minutes and returned to the gutted pig. Poor Piggy! Good thing he just likes to rip out the stuffing and not eat it. He’s been doing great outside of the crate. He sleeps on his dog bed at the foot of our bed every night and we’ve been leaving him out when we go on short trips. He hasn’t destroyed anything yet. So, hopefully we’ll be able to get rid of the crate soon.
Photos of Indy
Here are new photos of Indy (formerly Sweet William of Chloe‘s litter):
Update on puppy William
An update on William, from Chloe’s litter…
We had him at the vet Monday (diarrhea for a week after a trip to Pennsylvania; no worms, probably stress.) He’s up to 17.5 pounds and is well on his way to being huge. Now that he’s not pooping all the time, the sleeping has improved. He was in his crate from 9 pm until 6 am last night. He does love his sleep.
Biting continues to be a huge problem. The 8-year olds cannot enjoy him at all because he’s always biting and mounting them. We are in puppy class, but we will need additional training. I have been redirecting, but I must be doing something wrong, because usually he just gets too wound up. I hope we get it figured out soon.
Like Poppy, William went to several baseball games and was such a charmer. We had several comments that he looks like he should be on tv.
I thought we had a handle on potty training, but yesterday he went in the house within a half hour of being out. He does go to the front door when he needs to go, but not every time.
I hope everyone is enjoying their new family members. Most of the time we are, so I’m praying that we resolve the biting issue and get on with enjoying William.