Brady has grown into a good dog

me & BradyI recevied a note from the owner of Brady (formerly known as Cupid from Annie‘s litter).

I wanted to write and let you know how wonderful of a dog Brady is. He is so eager to please and is currently in training classes which have taken him from a good dog to a great dog. I can not express how happy I am having rescued him. I am attaching a few pictures and will be getting some more soon . hope you like them!

Here is my response:

Thank you SO much for passing these photos on to me! I remember you well, wasn’t your other dog named Bella? I am very happy to hear that Brady is giving you so much love and is being a good boy. I get to see his brother, Donner now named Bauer, every Monday at a free, off leash playtime I run. It is great to get to see my babies all grown up! If you are ever in the St Charles area you have to bring him by for a visit!

Thanks again for the update – it means so much to me.

Brady at play

brady and bella


More Photos of Brady

Our little Cupid is now “Brady” as we saw in A Cupid Update.  Here are more photos to enjoy… click on a small photo to see a larger one!

brady2 brady3 brady4
January 28, 2009 • Tags: , , • Posted in: puppy update, pups • No Comments