Archive for the ‘video’ Category

Puppies in the Snow

We all went outside again and enjoyed the warmish (35 F) temperatures. The puppies LOVE it outside and chewed up the sticks poking out of the snow. They still can’t stay out for more than 10 or 15 minutes but they really enjoyed themselves while they could. I brought them in when more than three puppies were shivering. Vixen even figured out that the door we came out of was the door worth trying to get back into and scratched at it! I was impressed.

I counted and at least 5 of the 8 took advantage of the great outdoors and pooped. I tell you, house training these dogs is going to be a breeze if the new families stick to my two principles of house training: read my House Training Your Puppy post.

December 30, 2008 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: pups, video • No Comments

Mop Versus Puppies

Here is a very cute video clip of the now 6-week old pups having fun with clean up time! Watch as they dance and dart around the mop in their play room.

December 30, 2008 • Tags: , , • Posted in: pups, video • No Comments

Puppies Doing Puppy Things

Annie’s pups are blossoming before our very eyes.  They are learning to romp, play, and eat and making progress each day.  Here is a video of, well, puppy mealtime.  Fun to see how they just walk over each other, get distracted, then re-direct back to another bowl of chow. Their disregard for decorum and hygiene is refreshing and very cute indeed…

December 22, 2008 • Tags: , , • Posted in: pups, video • No Comments

Soccer Puppy

Puppy play time is short lived (they tire easily) but fun to watch. Here is a short clip of a pup practicing his soccer moves in the play area…

December 22, 2008 • Tags: , , • Posted in: pups, video • No Comments

Puppy Chow Time

Here is the video I referred to a couple days ago. Here the pups are eating (and wearing) solid food for the first time…

Make sure your sound is up for puppy noises!

December 12, 2008 • Tags: , , , , • Posted in: nutrition, pups, video • No Comments

Puppy Play Time

Here are two videos of fun, romping, 3-week old pups – very cute!


December 12, 2008 • Tags: , , , • Posted in: Annie, pups, video • No Comments