First Puppies Go Home

The first two puppies left yesterday- first Prancer, my big bear of a snuggle buddy and then Dancer, the high energy puppy with the wicked sense of humor and energy. I was sad but resigned. It is what I’ve been anticipating all along – their leaving. I could never have them for more than this short time and, as I’ve written before, they deserve more of everything, more than I can give them.

So Prancer, go forward with your sweet self, love everyone you meet and make everyone you meet feel loved. Put your soon to be big, gentle head in their hands and look at them with your wise, warm eyes and teach them how to slow down, relax, and enjoy the moment. And Dancer, keep your energy and your spirit intact, help your new family keep up with you. Keep your sense of fun, and joy. Run a few circles around the room and bark everyday, thinking of me.
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