Quiet time with Chloe and pups

Catching up on video we haven’t published yet, here is a beautiful clip of mama dog Chloe quietly lounging and nursing her seven puppies.  This video was shot on the evening of May 30, 2009 when the pups are about 5 weeks old.

Watch this video on YouTube.

June 7, 2009 • Tags: , , • Posted in: Chloe, pups, video

One Response to “Quiet time with Chloe and pups”

  1. Pam Knight - June 7th, 2009

    Chloe is such a wonderful mama! I was so happy to see how much “Aster” enjoys mealtime. Thank you for all you do and giving us the opportunity to meet you and your little family!
    We are counting the days….

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